The Pittsburgh Post Gazette released their top 10 Pirate Prospect list today.Seems like everyone is doing this these days.
I might do my version tomorrow,but in short-this is one weak organization and this list shows the problems that the Pirates have in running the draft process.
I have seen 7 of the 10 players on the list and with any luck by the end of the month of April,I will have seen all 10.
The thing that stands out to me and apparently not to Dave Littlefield or anyone else in the Pirate front office is this-They love the supposed "closer to the majors" College players and yet the only two possible impact players in the system were their only two High School top picks.
I am not married to the philosophy of one type being preferable to another,but IMO the High School player usually has a higher upside than the usual college player and when you are a small market,low income team-that is the type of player you are looking for.
Pittsburgh has one chance of getting that type of player-selecting them in the draft!
The "safe" college direction has gotten them nothing but injured arms thus far.Bryan Bullington is the most notorious of these picks,but it could apply to John Van Benschoten and now Brad Lincoln as well.
To me-the College pitcher can be just as big of a risk as the supposed risk of the High School pitcher.
Yes,I do agree that the High Schooler may not be fully mature and there is also the unknown development factor.but the College pitcher has many more miles on his arm before he even comes to your organization.
College coaches are there to win,not develop players,so in doing that-they have no hesitation adding that wear and tear to arms.
I hope Brad Lincoln becomes the exception to the Bucco rule thus far.but it isnt looking that way thus far.