The Bucs received early homers from Xavier Nady (10) and Freddy Sanchez (3) to keep the team in the game,but Jose Bautista's three run shot in the seventh (5) turned a two run deficit into a one run lead.
John Grabow then allowed two runs in the Oriole seventh to allow them to regain the lead.
After a super start to the season,Grabow has recently begun to revert to "Matches" form.
But in the 9th,Adam LaRoche ,of all people,slammed a two run bomb into the seats (7) off Baltimore closer George Sherrill to give the Pirates the lead and just three outs aw

But Matt Capps (0-2) could not hold things together either as someone named Oscar Salazar took Capps over the wall and as the inning progressed,Ramon Hernandez finished the game with a shot to the gap to score Freddy Bynum.
This loss really hurts and not just because it was another loss to the Orioles.
I could marginally understand the Friday loss,this team has real problems in long and middle relief,but last night-2 of your three best guys got you beat and that is a knife to the heart.
Zach Duke pitched passably in the start,well enough to keep things close anyway.
Things actually got worse for Pittsburgh in the ninth as Xavier Nady looked to have injured his leg on a foul hit by Hernandez shortly before the Baltimore backstop ended the game.
Nady was forced to leave the game and was replaced in right by Jason Michaels.
Do not look for Nady to play today and if so as the DH.
The Buccos look to avoid the sweep today at 1:35.
Pitching Matchup
Pittburgh:Paul Maholm (4-5 4.55 ERA) at Baltimore:Daniel Cabrera (5-2 4.35 ERA) 1:35
Bullpen Notes
I am not sure if there will be a post tomorrow as I have to work my regular shift and then do 4 hours of medication classes before I get to bed in order to then work Monday night.
Just a heads up.
An interesting read from the Post-Gazette on the at

Pittsburgh's problems are pretty simple.
They are a losing franchise and losing teams will struggle at the gate especially in a town that has two other franchises that are winning ones.
The Indians are a bit different as they have been a solid team for most of the last decade plus.
To me,the Indians issue is this-even though they are a good team,their stars lack personality and the team comes off as dull.
This is a big problem for a team in a city with LeBron James in it.
A quick bit of Fathers Day wishes to my dad and all of the fathers out there.
Have fun today!
And finally,if you have a few minutes to kill,this will help me out.
Ryan and Battlin Bob have gotten me into a sim football league,where you create players and they play games etc.
You build your players abilities with points earned through performance,but I can also gain them through referrals.
So even if this looks to be something totally uninteresting to you,if you have a few minutes-sign up and help me out making my beginning players better-I would appreciate it!
Here is the link and you must cut and paste it into your browser and you have to use the URL listed or I will not gain points.
Thanks for any help!
Photo Credits
Capps:Gail Burton-AP Photo
PNC Fan:Peter Diana-Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Happy Father's Day.
Happy Fathers Day..And Nady hurt his shoulder btw, at first i thought he messed his shoulder up really bad,but by the time he left the field,he was moving his arm
To: Shawn
From: Cherie
In an ever changing world where the father's role is often minimized and seen as disposable, I want you to know that you are cherished. Our family would not be the same family without you. You are the rock we all turn to. You are our protector, our confidant, our friend. The confidence we have in your love for us allows each of us the freedom and security to be who we are, to make mistakes, to change and grow. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for the 110% you've always put into our marriage and children. Happy Father's Day, Shawn! I love you.
And, if you're reading I would also like to wish a Happy Father's Day to the other Heimberger men in my life:
My father-in-law, Robert Heimberger,
my brother-in-law, Shane Heimberger,
and in loving memory of Shawn's grandfather, James Heimberger
These men, though the may not realize it, in addition to my own husband, make me proud to be a HEIMBERGER. I love you all.
The problem with attendance is this: what family in their right mind is going to go to a big league game when attendance at the game costs a bare minimum of $50. If you add in food, you're looking at $100 easy. In an era of $4 gas prices, people are going to stay closer to home and do things there. It's why attendance at minor league games is through the roof this year. Hope you had a nice father's day.
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