Zero energy,poor defensive play,stupid penalties and a lack of serious scoring opportunities all added up equally in the loss for the fifth game in a row.......
This is not what I expect from the Devils and some of these guys need to wake up or I would support some serious housecleaning in the off season......
I hope Brent Sutter has decided to have a serious hard ass practice going into Wednesday's game against Pittsburgh.
Six games left in the regular season is not the best time to choose to play your worst hockey of the year and this appears to be happening for the second season in a row.....
Hell Raisers
1) I hope that Brent Sutter isn't becoming the NHL answer to Gary Williams,where after yelling for so long the players start to tune him out.
I am not saying that is the case,but something to look for.
2) Paul Martin and Nicklas Havelid were downright awful last night.
Havelid has shown next to nothing since joining the team,perhaps a shakeup among the D-men is in order??
3) If you are looking forward to the off season,I would not be against moving John Madden and /or Brian Gionta.
I am loyal to our long time warriors and both players place in the Devils family is secure,but their play this season has been disappointing......
4) Will anyone let me know when Bobby Holik does anything to write about.
I hear a lot of talk from Holik,but little to back it up.....
5) Some kudos to our man David Clarkson,who did attempt to spark the team when Sean Avery pretended he wanted to fight and Clarkson tossed Avery to the ice like the pretender he is.
Note to the NHL,isn't dropping the glove or gloves considered instigating?
Avery dropped and then refused.
Bonus Round
Rumors have been flying for a bit about Brent Sutter being homesick for Canada and considering leaving at seasons end.
I like Sutter and hope he stays,but if so I hope the Devils consider Ted Nolan.The guy wins everywhere with little talent and with the Devils,Nolan could be the right guy-IF he can just get the chance....
Bullpen Notes
I know many Virginia hoop fans are nonplussed about the hiring of Tony Bennett as the new hoops coach,but trust us-in three years when Bennett has your program in the top 25 again,you will forget all about the flashy names that were passed over for Bennett.
When you can win at Washington State-you can win anywhere.
I pulled for UVA a little during the Pete Gillen years and with Bennett in charge,I will do so again.
Enjoy the ride fans,Virginia made a terrific hire!
Sorry to hear of the death of vagabond coach Lou Saban at the age of 87.
Saban led the Bills to their only titles in their history with championships in 1964 and 1965 and in a second stint in Buffalo coached the Bills to the playoffs in 1974.
Saban also coached the Patriots,Broncos and several college teams and might be most famous for his well used sound clips from NFL Films such as "You can get it done,you can get it done,but whats more you gotta get it done!" and the famous "They're killing me Whitey! They're killing me!"
Looks like the environmental effort and the historical preservation gang hooked up to save a historic mountain from losing its top for coal removal as Blair Mountain was placed on the National Register.
Blair Mountain was made famous by the labor movement against the coal companies in 1921 as the effort to unionize the miners in one of the last coal camps in West Virginia to be lacking union representation.
Top removal is causing horrific damage to the Appalachian area and any efforts to stop this within reason certainly has my support.....
Photo Credits
Clarkson-Avery-AP Photo