Erik Arnesen allowed 6 runs over 4 innings,but only 2 runs were earned due to less than stellar defensive plays.
On one play,left fielder Francisco Guzman made a tremendous catch for the second out,the Grasshopper runner was going to be doubled off easily by Michael Martinez's relay throw to 1st to complete the double play.
Problem was 1st baseman Robby Jacobsen was closer to home plate than his position and the ball flew into foul territory.
Instead of the inning being over,the game continued and as always happens following poor fundamental play,the next batter,Spike McDougall (Great minor league baseball name) homered off Arnesen and those runs proved to be the difference in the game.
On another play,Martinez allowed a ball to go right through his legs to lead to eventually 2 runs scoring for Greensboro in the inning.
Simply put-the loss can be placed on the Suns inept defense in tonight's game.
The official line for Erik-4 innings,6 runs,but only 2 earned,3 strikeouts and 2 walks.
I was surprised by the turnout for Plunger night as there was more people than I expected,but considering it was combined with Fireworks,it was about average.
But the laugh of the night came to Battlin Bob.
Bob asked Suns GM Will Smith if he would sign the plunger for him.
Admittedly this was done tongue in cheek,but here was a chance for Smith to show some humor and play along.
Instead,he continued to walk by and just offered a "nice".
Somehow,I get the feeling that Kurt Landis(Former Hagerstown Suns GM) would have gotten the laugh and signed it....
More tomorrow on Pirates and more catching up.........
Photo Credits
Arnesen and McKain-Ryan Heimberger
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