Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ten Days Later

      I had the best of intentions.

I watched the pictured match to the right as Jack Catterall avenged his controversial 2022 defeat to Josh Taylor with a unanimous decision win (116-112 Catterall on my card) in a better fight than their first match but one that might be remembered more for Bob Arum's post-fight rant about the decision (I like Arum but he was way off on this one) than what happened in the ring. 

I saved the photo from the fight, placed it in the template, and planned on starting the review.

That was ten days ago and a thousand miles from where I sit now.

The window on my PC hasn't been closed since, yet not one word had been typed, only a photo of Jack Catterall and Josh Taylor.

Nothing on the excellent card from Saudi Arabia the following weekend.

Nothing about the Cavaliers firing J.B. Bickerstaff or anything written on the Devils' hiring Sheldon Keefe as their new head coach.

No ranting about the Devils signing a useless player to a ridiculous contract extension or even Newcastle United missing out on European play next season due to powerful league champion Manchester City's mind-boggling loss to Manchester United.

Only the photo of Jack Catterall following through with a left hand against Josh Taylor.

Was I busy?

Sure, I had many things to see and do in Omaha (more on that soon), returning from midway across the country, and doing the things we all need to do at home after a long trip but I surely had a few minutes over that time to write something, anything at all.

And the answer was- I just didn't feel like it.

I didn't want to be in Omaha and I didn't want to be home.

I didn't want to do anything or stay at home, it wasn't that I was overly down in the dumps either.

Other than a pounding headache that wouldn't go away and morning back spasms (from sleeping on a different surface) there wasn't anything wrong.

How do you figure out what's wrong when there isn't really anything wrong?

The answer was easy, don't force writing and wait until you want to write.

So, that leaves me here and feeling like I'm behind in things.

I'll have more as I catch up on topics other than sports soon.

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