But for now,The Hagerstown Suns kicked off their home schedule for 2009 last night against the visiting Delmarva Shorebirds through a damp and occasionally rainy night.

The game was well played (except for a few mind boggling base running mistakes by the Suns) in a 2-1 Delmarva win.
I was able to get a few things signed and I will do a on the signing front later in the week at the conclusion of the series with some results.
The opener was one of the five game package that the Suns combined together for fans to have all you can eat sandwiches off the grill and cans of soda.
This is a different format than Feed Your Face Monday,in which you have to have items from the concession and no grilled items.
Good News-The grilled chicken sandwiches were tremendous.Very tasty.
Bad News-The hamburgers were borderline cold,but considering the weather conditions,I can give them a pass today.
The format was that you had to go through a line and could only get one item at a time.
I think two items would worked better and kept lines moving,but this is a first effort and perhaps some tweaking could occur before the next attempt.
The best part of the evening was catching up with quite a few readers from both the mailing list and readers from off the list,its funny sometimes at games when I just talk about things and then to have people say that they know already because I wrote about whatever I said here.
Points to the Suns for rescinding the Smith/Himsworth policy and allowing collectors extra space as long as they aren't bothering patrons.
I asked Bob Flannery about this at the meet the team party and he saw no problem with the request.
The Suns backed it up-Good job,guys.
Some of the box seats are now screened a bit and after some of the hits that fans took last season,that is a great idea.
I am not a fan of completely screening the fans off,but the spots that the Suns worked on were bad spots and needed to be taken care of.
The Sunsations are back with the same tired and uninspired routine,but I wont whip that dead horse (for now).
The free pizza giveaway must have been a small casualty of the economic times as the pizza was reduced from a large to a medium and the sponsorship switched from Papa John's to Pizza Hut.
I prefer Papa John's,but the pizza around here is pretty bad anywhere.
Rain is in the forecast for the next two days,so I am hoping between the two days,we can get one game in.....
Bullpen Notes
Looks like my trip to West Virginia is off for now.
The chance of rain is just too damn high (Remember that line from the film Used Cars?) to drive 300 miles...
Picked up a win this weekend with Paul Williams unanimous win over Winky Wright.
Williams clearly won the bout,but there was more action in the match than I expected considering the defensive skills of both fighters....
And finally for those of you that remember Battlin Bob and his pal Drew Himsworth,check out this player created (not by me) that plays on our Simulation team.
Worth the click.
Until later today/tonight.
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