This is the final installment of our interview with Nationals prospect Erik Arnesen.
I hope to be back later with a look at the Lowell Devils from Hershey last night and start our newest interview tomorrow or Wednesday.....
TRS: Thoughts on Drew Storen,who was very popular in his brief stint in Hagerstown
EA: Drew’s a great player and a great guy. He was fun to play with, and definitely an asset to the team.
TRS: When did you begin throwing in the off season and how often do you throw and for how long?
EA: Spin Williams sends us a throwing program during the off season. I started playing catch around the middle of December, and I’ve been throwing off a mound for a few weeks.
TRS: Do you pay much attention to the prospect sites (like ours etc) that discuss you and others?
Or doesn't it interest you?
EA: I'll check out the prospect sites from time to time. It's a great way to know what the fans are thinking, to sort of be able to “touch base” with them.
TRS: Last time,you talked about your faith and its importance to you.
Does baseball make it easy for people with strong faith or is it more of a testing environment?
EA: My faith is an integral part of my life both on and off the field. Baseball is a challenging environment no matter what you believe, but I know that my abilities and where I am now are gifts that I have a responsibility to use to the utmost. When you look at baseball that way – not merely as a game or a career, but as a gift and a calling, as part of your life’s purpose – it helps keep you grounded.
TRS: Do you follow any other sports as a fan and if so,are there any teams that you are passionate about?
EA: Baseball has always been the only sport I truly love; I watch SportsCenter regularly, but don’t follow any specific teams.
TRS: Has your off season regimen changed?
Do you devote more time to preparing for the season or are you still working and then training around that?
EA: My economic reality is that I have to work in the off season, but my workout regimen is always my top priority. Working has just required that I be more creative and flexible in my workouts. My employer is used to me using my lunch break to run for a few miles around the town. I go to the gym once on the days I work, and then twice on my off days. I give pitching lessons at a local clinic, and do my throwing workouts at the same facility. I’ve become more efficient in designing my workouts to fit my needs, and that has helped make the off-season an effective time for me as a player.
Thanks again to Erik Arnesen for his time and best wishes to him in the upcoming season
Photo Credit-Ryan Heimberger
From Cherie:
Wish there were more good examples of Christian athletes like Erik. It is true he can accomplish a lot just by his example amongst his fellow teammates, coaches, and fans.
Great finish to a great series.
Good luck to Erik and hope to see him in the Majors this season!
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