Rachel had another shoot with the ShurTech/Duck Tape people and I did what I do- make the arrangements with them, drive, and play Strat O Matic while things are going on.
I did manage to do the podcasts while there and I hope you enjoyed those.

I had a great time in Avon with my favorite ladies and ate at a lot of great places- You can see what I thought of them- here
The people at ShurTech treated us all well and whether Rachel ever does future videos for them or not, I have nothing negative to say at all about how they treated her or us...
I was in Avon during our 9th anniversary here at TRS and with all the hubbub going on,I just remembered that I need to do our annual post talking about the anniversary along with our thanks to the various people that support the TRS empire.
I'll try to do that sometime during the next week.
For those of you interested in my schedule for the first two weeks of the season.
I'll be in Altoona on Tuesday for meet the team,
Hagerstown on Wednesday for meet the team,
Skipping the Suns home opener on Thursday as the pass isn't accepted on opening day and I just don't feel like arguing over it.
I'll then be at Hagerstown Friday through the following Wednesday, but then skipping the Frederick home opening series vs Lynchburg (Indians! Grrr) due to a crazy 48-hour run at work because of some work training, and then I might be able to hit Harrisburg on that Saturday for Vlad Guerrero night!
That is about the only good thing about the trainings-I was able to trade off to get the Guerrero night off!
Keep your eye out for a new feature every three months, which will be our official boxing rankings!
We have three voters right now and look to add maybe two more.
I think the boxing fans will enjoy that feature!
Think that will do it-Hope to be back tonight with our annual anniversary post!
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