Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Danny Rosenbaum Interview-Part 5

We conclude our interview with Danny Rosenbaum with part five below.
Thanks to Danny for taking the time to do this and best wishes for him this season.
As always,if you see someone that took the time to do an interview with us,tell them how much you enjoyed it and thank them for taking the time to help us.
A new interview will start next week....

TRS:Who were your roommates/buddies off the field with the Suns/Nats?
DR: I enjoyed being around everyone.
When I was with the Suns I roomed with Trevor Holder, Dean Weaver, Kyle Morrison, and Brett Newsome. Including these guys,I have become close with Steven Souza, Shane McCatty, Mitch Clegg, Rob Wort and others.
In Potomac I roomed with Pat Lehman, Derek Norris, and Evan Bronson. Like my roommates while I was up there I became close with a lot of guys like Nick Moresi, Tyler Moore, Chris Curran, Pat McCoy, and others as well.
It seemed like being apart of both of these teams it was so easy to get along with everyone. I want to name a lot more because there are some guys at other levels that you become good buddies with. I really enjoyed being a part of these teams.

TRS: Tell us a bit about your faith with so few Jewish players in the game?
Is this an important part of your life?
DR: Yeah its nice being apart of a select group of guys that are viewed like this. It is important to me, my family is very reform. Every once in awhile I'll get some kid or someone send me a letter saying they I am a role model for them being a Jewish baseball player just like they have always wanted to be. And same for me, I want to be the next Sandy Koufax, Jason Marquis, Kevin Youkilis or Shawn Green. All of those guys that are already up there serve as role models for our religion. I just need to make sure next year I don't pitch on Rosh Hashanah again like I did this past year, because that 1st playoff game didn't go to well.
TRS: Does the baseball lifestyle offer any difficulties with persons of any faith?
DR: I don't think so, all of these guys that are playing this game use faith in their game. You see many guys praying or doing something before, during and after games.
TRS: Have you had a special project that you worked on to add to your game for 2011 during the off season?
If so,what?
DR:Not really, I just want to try and improve every year whether its mental, being in better shape than the previous year or refining all my pitches. There is always something that you can do to get better. 

TRS:Finally.you had just one baseball card released before the 2010 season.
Did the Donruss company approach you,did you sign cards for them,how much did you make off the cards and what was it like the first time someone asked you to sign that card?
DR:I have a Topps card now, it came out this off season. I signed 1000 of them and got $1000. The first time some one asked me to sign their card was an awesome feeling. I didn't find many people that had one with my Xavier uniform on but there were a few.

Thanks again for the time and effort,Danny-it was appreciated.....


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thanks for putting this up. I'm always interested to get a good sense of what it's like beating the bush leagues. You don't realize how unglamorous life is for a midmajor or for a non bigbonus guy. Hope guys like Rosenbaum and Milone can continue to surprise and progress.

Shawn said...

You are certainly welcome.Thanks for stopping by and giving us a chance!!!