Thursday, March 19, 2015

Jennifer Pagliei Interview-Part Two

We return with part two of our interview with Jennifer Pagliei.
I've gotten some nice notes about part one including one from our longest running top fan-Big Don,who really enjoyed part one!

TRS: What made you want to make that your career and was there something else before weather that you changed your mind?

JP: Never. Weather was always my goal. The best part about the weather
and delivering it on TV, is not only are you really not working a day in
your life but not one day at work is the same. It is constantly changing
like the weather.

TRS: Getting your degree from Rutgers,did you always
want to be on-air talent or was there something else that you had interest in in the weather field?

JP: It really was mostly being on TV my main goal and it will always be.
But if for some reason that is not an option anymore as long as I am
dealing with the weather I would be happy, research or even teaching
I would also enjoy, if it came down to it.

TRS:Was weather a passion of yours as a child and what made you
interested enough to make it a career?

JP:Yes, again almost every meteorologist will start out as…”as a child.”
But really as a child I actually started off scared of the weather. I remember sitting watching the weather channel and looking at the warnings and watches go across my screen. I would also be watching the weather when my friends would be watching cartoons. But
because of my fear it made me interested in how things work and why
they are happening. This began my passion.

TRS: Growing up in PA there are certainly a chance to see
all four seasons,was there a specific event that you took particular
interest in pre-career or during it?

JP:Summer for sure. There
are so many severe weather events that got me glued to the TV and wanting to know what was going on at all times, and how it was happening.

TRS:If you needed to specialize in weather,what would your choice be?

JP:Another great question! Hm, that would be a hard one but I think
severe weather. I always wanted to go storm chasing!

In the future part three,Jennifer discusses her start in the television business and life in a small market.

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