Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day and Eddie Albert

Today is Earth Day and that is pretty cool.
What I bet you didn't know was that it's even more special to me as I have some distant (and I mean distant) family involvement in the creation of Earth Day.

Eddie Albert, most famous for the starring role in the hilarious Green Acres was very much a part of creating Earth Day and Albert's real last name is Heimberger.
It's a remote relation, but there aren't enough of us around to not be related somehow!
Seriously though, my mom is big into genealogy and I've seen it, so there!

Anyway, Albert was actively involved in creating the day (which is more deserving of a day off than Columbus Day, in my opinion) that encourages environmental interests and conservation.
It's funny that sometimes the environment has such a divide on the political spectrum.
I can see why some might be a climate change non-believer (I just had a discussion on this with Kendall on a recent graphing trip) and I can even understand some of their beliefs, but I cannot understand some people (not Kendall) and their lack of effort in taking care of our natural resources.
It makes zero sense to me to have companies clear-cutting our land without replacing plants and trees or poisoning our waters or any of about a thousand other things that are/were done in the guise of employment or making money.
There has to be a balance between finance and conservation and carrying a balance or compromising on any issue usually results in neither side being thrilled, but I've always thought that when neither side is happy after a deal is struck that often a fair deal was made.

I'm pretty proud of Earth Day, even though I'm not as involved in things as I should be, but I'm especially proud to share a name (even it's not the name made famous) with one of the people involved as well.
There is nothing wrong with taking care of what we have and Earth Day brings the point to all of our attention once a year.

Finally, a story on Eddie Albert.
One day, early in Cherie and I's relationship (Can't remember dating or very early marriage) and I mentioned the Eddie Albert "Connection" and she scoffed with laughter and said "yeah sure" and my response was this-"If I was going to make someone up to impress you, wouldn't I use someone more current and more famous than Eddie Albert from a show that has been off the air for 15+ years ?".
She conceded that point and we've laughed about that chat ever since!

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