First off ,I'd like to take the time to thank the people that took the time to write and offer their thoughts on what we do here.
Those were very much appreciated.
I have often said that because of the four sports that we cover and the odd array of teams in those sports,that many of you are not going care about every team or even every sport.
That was certainly borne out by the results of our little survey,but one thing seemed stand out above others-baseball.
Very few of you didn't seem interested in minor league baseball and a good chunk of that wanted more stories from the road,more autograph talk and more baseball card talk as well.
I have heard from many that enjoy Forgotten Superstars,Cleaning out the Inbox (one writer especially enjoyed the goodbyes to recently deceased notables) and the various misc. personal posts.
One writer really liked the political posts,another mentioned that "it didn't seem to fit what I do".
As far as game coverage that was pretty mixed,which makes sense according to what teams you are interested in.
One likes Cavaliers,another liked Devils and a third got on me a bit (tongue in cheek of course) for my summer of laziness on the Pirates.
So as far as that goes,I am pretty much doing that for myself and in each category there is a smattering people that enjoy those respective coverages.
I do want to pursue more interviews and I also want to add this to some of you-I am open to taking submissions.
Some of you take trips,another suggested asking for help for the Hagerstown/Frederick autograph circuit and a third suggested that I move full time to my other project that they might help with.
I'll be refining things somewhat according to some of your suggestions and much of this will remain the same,but I want to clean this up a bit.
I'm still thinking things over,but I really do appreciate all of the time that you took to help me gather this valuable information.
I truly do thank you for reading and even if you don't read everything,taking a scan and seeing what catches your eye is meaningful as well.
Keep an eye out as early as tomorrow or in the next few days for an article (I am in the middle of it now) that I have talked about writing for years.
I hope you enjoy it.
I would like to take the time to thank a few people before I go,you all are important to me,but these people have helped here in one way or another.
To the lovely Cherie for the idea and for tolerating my nuttiness that makes me follow everything and therefore want to write it all down.
To Ryan,who contributes with him even knowing it with ideas and when I need an opinion on something sports or collectible related,he is generally the opinion that I want to hear most.
To Bill Cover for all the help on the autograph circuit and the time we spend together.
In many ways from April-August,I spend enough time with Bill that he almost is a member of my family.
To Big Don,who might be the blog's biggest fan and several times when I am down a bit,it almost never fails that I get a note from Don telling me how much he liked my work
To my dad-Who thinks I should be writing more important things than this and probably has never read a word that I have written,thanks for instilling this craziness in me.
The fan that I am is due to that man-send your nasty letters to.......
There are a few that I have forgotten,I'm sure,but I am at the road office
In the end,I don't know what would refine after all this,but one thing that I did find out is this-
Courtesy of Mark Haymond- "You can't define success by the number of readers.".
If there is one lesson that I learned,it may be just that.
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