Saturday, February 20, 2010

Eric Krebs Interview-Part 4

The next to last installment of our talk with Dodger prospect Eric Krebs is below.
I have just lined up another interview for some time next week,so be looking for that.

TRS:Tell me about the state of your arm right now.
Is it back to 100 %?

EK: Yes it feels great. it always feels great. just got some tendonitis in it last year.

TRS: Do the Dodgers teach things differently than the Pirates?

EK: The philosophy to me is the same. just coaches do some things different. but that's in every organization
TRS: In what ways are the Dodgers different in their philosophy than the Pirates?
Does one put more importance on one particular pitch than the other?

EK: The Dodgers treated it more as a game thean trying to develop guys and having them throw on certain days instead of just using who is right in the situation.

TRS: You worked with Charlie Hough at Inland Empire,how was that and what did you learn from him?

EK: Charlie is a great guy and a great pitching coach. He is filled with knowledge and has a lot of information about the game. he helped me alot. we would go over video at least 3 times a week. he is more hands on and got me to realize little things I was doing.

TRS:Have the Dodgers changed your off season training from what it was as a Pirate?

EK: They are pretty much the same. Just workout and run

TRS:How often do you throw in the off season?

EK: Once the program gets going I'm throwin 5-6 days a week.

TRS: Do you take the off season off or do you work a regular job for a few months?

EK: I just take it off and relax. I worked my first 2 offseasons in 05 and 06

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