I planned on posting my top 10 Pirates Prospects list today and if I have time later,I still may.
However,I was floored by the quote that I used in the title last night and wanted to blog on about it.
Sorry that I cannot take credit for it,it was uttered by NY Times columnist Tom Friedman
last night on Tim Russert's CNBC show.
I seem to be the only person that I know that ever watches this show,I think being on CNBC instead of MSNBC hurts viewership a lot. It is the only show I ever watch on the channel.
Anyway,Friedman was discussing his updated version of his best-selling book "The world is flat"
and was discussing his next project about the greening of our future.
The quote hit home very hard,when you think about this-what could be more patriotic than weaning our country from foreign sources,adding thousands of jobs,saving our environment and taking our money away from Middle East countries that are either out and out unfriendly or at best two-faced?
Really,where is the downside to this?
We should make this an immediate priority by making this goal this generations "Apollo Project".
If anyone can give me an argument against any of the above results,I would love to hear one,because I sure cant think of any.
"Green is our new Red,White and Blue".
Simple,Understated and Brilliant all at the same time.
Wish I had thought of it, Now lets see if anyone is smart enough to run with it.
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